Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's a bright new day

The sun is shining and it's getting close to crunch time. Things are looking pretty good and we hope to have a good day. With close to 500 teams we know it's a crap shoot but we're still hoping for the best. Time to Rock and Roll.......


Anonymous said...

4th place over all looks to me like you guys were rockin and rollin. Congrats to you and your team!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to add, I think I can safely say, it looks like you have got your chicken figured out!

Backyard Chef said...

Congrats on a great showing all around, Steve. Good luck at the Jack...

Halestcvj said...

4th place over all looks to me like you guys were rockin and rollin. Congrats to you and your team! george